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Transportation Improvement Program for FYs 2011-2015
Project Name Gallatin Various Intersection Improvements TIP # 2008-54-033
Improvement Type Intersection Lead Agency Gallatin
County Sumner County Length 0.00 Regional Plan ID 1054-275
Air Quality Status Exempt TDOT PIN 110421.00 Project Cost $365,050.00
Route Various intersection improvements
Location SR-6/SR-25 and SR-6/Locust Street
Project Description Improve/upgrade existing signalization infrastructure and construct a right turn lane on SR-25.
Fiscal Year Type of Work Funding Type Total Funds Federal Funds State Funds Local funds
2012 ROW SAFETY (H-STP) $60,000.00 $54,000.00 $0.00 $6,000.00
2012 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY (H-STP) $57,500.00 $46,000.00 $0.00 $11,500.00
2012 ROW U-STP $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
2012 PE-D U-STP $34,250.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $4,250.00
4/28/2011 Amend# 2011-009 Shift $30,000 in H-STP
(Optional Safety Funds) from
CONST to ROW in order to
cover ROW cost increases.
3/28/2012 Amend# 2012-031
The amendment updates the
project description to add a
right turn lane on SR-25.
Also, funding amounts for
the Preliminary Engineering,
Right-of-Way and
Construction phases
changed to reflect the
addition of the turn lane
including shifting $30,000 in
H-STP (Optional Safety
Funds) from construction to
Right-of-Way. Work related
to the signal is eligible for
100% federal funding.
Nashville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Improvement Program for FYs 2011-2015
Printed on Friday, September 27, 2024 Page 1/1