TIP Project #2011-14-042: Battery Lane / Harding Place at Franklin Road Improvements

Capacity improvements for the eastbound, westbound, and southbound approaches to the intersection consisting of lane additions, lane extensions, and lane widening to meet current standards and current traffic demands.

M Intersection Regional Plan ID: 1014-259
TDOT TDOT PIN: 116103.00
Davidson County Total Cost: $2,696,500.00
Battery Lane / Harding Place at Franklin Road Improvements Total Programmed: $1,686,000.00
State Route 6 (Franklin Road) at State Route 255 (Harding Place) and Battery Lane Federal Share: $1,348,800.00
3.69 miles Federal Obligation*:
Non-Exempt Unobligated Balance: $1,348,800.00
* Obligations during current TIP period only.

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $1,686,000.00$1,348,800.00$337,200.00$0.00

Construction Reserve Funds

There is no reserve funding information for this TIP Project.

Obligated Funds

There is no obligated funding information for this TIP Project.

Project Images and Videos


Project Notes

NotePosted On
1/8/13 -
The project is currently scheduled to be advertised in April 2014 and will be included in the May 2014 TDOT contract letting. Construction could begin as early as June 2014, following the review and approval of the bid documents and issuance of a notice to proceed to the contractor. Construction of the project is anticipated to take 12 months, and will be in accordance with the latest
edition of TDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. TDOT will provide full construction engineering and inspection services, which will include regular coordination meetings with the contractor to ensure that the project remains on schedule and is completed by the contract date. The lead agency for this project application is the City of Oak Hill. The City of Oak Hill has a small full time staff and does not have a
full time professional engineer on staff. Therefore, when the funds were awarded for the preliminary engineering and right of way for this project, Oak Hill reached out and requested that TDOT administer and manage the project. TDOT agreed and is currently administering the project through the Design Division. TDOT has hired Kimley‐Horn and Associates, Inc. through one of their on‐call contracts for the Survey, Preliminary Engineering, and Final Design of the Construction Documents. TDOT will administer and manage the construction of the project as well.

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2017-004This project is being adjusted to add $180,800 (federal) in State STBG funding to the project in FY17. This additional funding will cover an increase in the project's construction estimate.1/27/2017
2017-052This project has been adjusted to add $168,000 (federal) in state STBG funds for construction in FY 2017.7/20/2017

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