TIP Project #2022-77-153: Mt. Juliet Road (SR-171) ITS & Signal Improvements Project – Phase 3

This project consists of improvements at 6 intersections on Mt. Juliet Road (SR-171) from the Mt. Juliet City Hall to Lebanon Road (SR-24/US-70). Improvements include the installation of fiber optic cable, construction of one new traffic signal, upgraded signal controllers, signal software, and detection equipment, installation of flashing yellow arrows, DSRC, and the reconstruction of curb ramps and pedestrian signals. ADA-compliant curb ramps, audible/vibrotactile pedestrian pushbuttons, countdown pedestrian signal heads, crosswalks, and appropriate pedestrian signage will also be installed.

M ITS Regional Plan ID: Congestion Mitigation
Mt. Juliet TDOT PIN: 132446.00
Wilson County Total Cost: $2,499,129.00
Mt. Juliet Road (SR-171) Total Programmed: $2,391,855.72
Various Locations Federal Share: $2,288,126.72
0.00 miles Federal Obligation*: $140,000.00
Exempt Unobligated Balance: $2,148,126.72
* Obligations during current TIP period only.

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $2,391,855.72$2,288,126.72$0.00$103,729.00

Construction Reserve Funds

There is no reserve funding information for this TIP Project.

Obligated Funds

Obligation DatePhaseFunding SourceFederal FundsNotes
11/6/2023PE-N; PE-DCMAQ$140,000.00ADJUST; AUTHORIZE
TOTAL  $140,000.00 

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Project Documents and Links

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Project Notes

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Project Amendments

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Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2023-010This project has been modified to shift $50,000 in federal CMAQ funds from the FY 2023 ROW phase to the FY 2023 PE-D phase. $25,729 in LOCAL funds was also added for the FY 2023 PE-D phase. There was also a fund transfer of $62,226.72 CMAQ funds from previously obligated FY 2023 PE-N phase to the FY 2023 PE-D phase. 7/13/2023

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