TIP Project #2024-15-184: Donelson Station Transit Center

Proposed Amendment (revision)

The Donelson Station Transit Center encompasses a major upgrade to the existing Donelson Commuter Rail Station on the WeGo Star Commuter Rail line. Funding would be to upgrade station infrastructure to support a full, multi-modal transit center incorporating up to 6 bus boarding bays, climate-controlled passenger waiting areas, space for various rideshare activities, digital real-time transit information, transit employee facilities, and enhanced bus access/egress facilities. The existing rail station and enhanced transit center facility will be part of a larger development project attracting significant private investment, which the Regional Transportation Authority of Middle Tennessee is currently advancing under the Joint Development program of the Federal Transit Administration.

M Transit Capital Regional Plan ID: Multimodal
Davidson County Total Cost: $35,000,000.00
2705 Lebanon Pike, Nashville, TN 37214 Total Programmed: $27,657,033.00
2705 Lebanon Pike, Nashville, TN 37214 Federal Share: $17,125,627.00
0.00 miles Federal Obligation*:
Exempt Unobligated Balance: $17,125,627.00
*obligations to date during current TIP period
View the approved version.

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2024IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5339$12,500,000.00$10,000,000.00$0.00$2,500,000.00
2024IMPLEMENTATIONFTA CPF$3,750,000.00$3,000,000.00$0.00$750,000.00
2025IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5337$5,157,033.00$4,125,627.00$515,703.00$515,703.00
TOTAL  $27,657,033.00$17,125,627.00$5,515,703.00$5,015,703.00

Construction Reserve Funds

There is no reserve funding information for this TIP Project.

Obligated Funds

There is no obligated funding information for this TIP Project.

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Project Documents and Links

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
This amendment proposes to add $4,125,627 of lapsing FY 25 FTA 5337 funds from TIP#:2019-85-126 to FY 25 Implementation. Additionally, $5,000,00 of State funds awarded through the IMPROVE Act Transit Investment Grant Program are added to FY 25 Implementation.3/07/2025

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Proposed Amendment (revision)