TIP Project #2025-82-001: I-24 Southeast Choice Lanes

Proposed Amendment (revision)

This amendment proposes to add the I-24 Southeast Choice Lanes project to the TIP. This project is being delivered by TDOT through a Public Private Partnership (P3) delivery method to improve travel time reliability, address regional connectivity, and support the enhancement of regional transit service and multimodal mobility by widening I-24 to add 2 choice lanes in each direction between the I-24 interchange at I-40 to the I-24 interchange at I-840. The project includes 2 miles of improvements on I-40 associated with the interchange improvements at the I-24 at I-40 interchange. This project will be funded by state TMA funds in partnership with private funding to be provided by the selected P3 partner. The project is funded for Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way acquisition. The public contribution to be provided for the construction phase of work will be determined through the P3 procurement process and will be updated in the TIP as that information becomes available in a future amendment.

M Road Widening Regional Plan ID:
Multi-County Total Cost: $3,700,000,000.00
Between the I-24 interchange at I-40 to the I-24 interchange at I-840 Total Programmed: $242,800,000.00
I-24 Federal Share: $0.00
0.00 miles Federal Obligation*:
Exempt Unobligated Balance: $0.00
*obligations to date during current TIP period
View the approved version.

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2025PE-NSTATE (TMA )$26,015,000.00$0.00$26,015,000.00$0.00
2025PE-DSTATE (TMA )$116,785,000.00$0.00$116,785,000.00$0.00
2026ROWSTATE (TMA )$100,000,000.00$0.00$100,000,000.00$0.00
TOTAL  $242,800,000.00$0.00$242,800,000.00$0.00

Construction Reserve Funds

There is no reserve funding information for this TIP Project.

Obligated Funds

There is no obligated funding information for this TIP Project.

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Proposed Amendment (revision)