TIP Project #2025-15-185: Dickerson Transit Center

Proposed Amendment (new)

Holladay Ventures, in partnership with MTA, will construct a new Transit Center inclusive of 6 bus bays, a passenger shelter area, break rooms for drivers, shared parking garage, and other features that MTA and WeGo require for such developments, all consistent with the WeGo design requirements.

M Transit Capital Regional Plan ID: Multimodal
Nashville MTA TDOT PIN:
Davidson County Total Cost: $30,000,000.00
Dickerson Pike (SR-41) Total Programmed: $6,250,000.00
3525 Dickerson Pike Federal Share: $0.00
0.00 miles Federal Obligation*:
Exempt Unobligated Balance: $0.00
*obligations to date during current TIP period
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Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $6,250,000.00$0.00$5,000,000.00$1,250,000.00

Construction Reserve Funds

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Obligated Funds

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Project Images and Videos

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
Holladay Ventures, in partnership with MTA, will construct a new Transit Center inclusive of 6 bus bays, a passenger shelter area, break rooms for drivers, shared parking garage, and other features that MTA and WeGo require for such developments, all consistent with the WeGo design requirements.3/07/2025

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Proposed Amendment (new)