TIP Project #2011-42-142: Thompson Lane (SR-268) Widening

Widen Thompson Lane from 2 to 5 lanes including sidewalks and bike lanes. Interconnect traffic signals into existing fiber optic to provide for coordinated arterial signal system.

Murfreesboro   M Road Widening
Rutherford County   1042-127
Thompson Lane (SR-268) Widening  
0.00 miles   $34,713,000.00
Non-Exempt   $8,500,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $8,500,000.00$6,800,000.00$0.00$1,700,000.00

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List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2011-018Project adjusted to subdivide the PE phase to include PE-NEPA by shifting $1,600,000 (federal) from PE-Design. Additionally, $240,000 (federal) are being added from TIP project # 2011-41-144 - Cherry Lane Extension w/SR-840 Interchange to ROW in FY 2013. 6/30/2011

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