TIP Project #2006-013: Concord Road (SR-253) Widening

This project provides for improvements to a substandard section of Concord Road between Jones Parkway and Arrowhead Drive. Included is a 3 lane, curb and gutter road section with paved shoulders, a separated multi-use path on the south side from Arrowhead Drive to Wilson Pike, a sidewalk on the north side between Arrowhead Drive and Jones Parkway and the relocation of affected utilities.

Brentwood   M Road Widening
Williamson County   1062-159
Concord Road (SR-253)   106994.00
Jones Parkway east to Arrowhead Drive  
0.80 miles   $5,290,000.00
Non-Exempt   $5,073,980.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $5,073,980.00$2,840,000.00$0.00$2,233,980.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
3/15/16 - The City has obligated funds remaining in the ROW phase of this project that they do not anticipate billing for. They have requested via formal letter to the TDOT Local Programs Development Office that $757,718.37 (federal) of that remaining balance be transferred to the construction phase, which has also been obligated at this time. $10,000 (federal) will remain in ROW for any incidentals. Please see "Project Documents" for a copy of the letter sent to TDOT.3/15/2016
12/17/12 - This is a locally managed continuation project requesting additional construction funds to complete the project. The City has provided 100% local funding for engineering and design as well as ROW acquisition. As noted above, the project has completed the PE-Design and PE-NEPA phases and is nearing completion of the ROW phase. An environmental document has been prepared and approved in accordance with 23 CFR 771 and National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 regulations. It is projected that the currently programmed $3.4 million in U-STP funds will be obligated in FY 13 with construction also commencing in FY 13 and taking approximately 1 year to complete. 11/15/2013

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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