TIP Project #2014-85-014: Regional Park & Ride

Create a network of Park and Ride Lots to improve mobility across Region to promote regional rideshare and transit access.

Williamson County/TMA Group   M Transit Capital
Multi-County   1085-329
Regional Park & Ride  
0.00 miles   $2,562,500.00
Exempt   $2,562,500.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2015IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5307$312,500.00$250,000.00$0.00$62,500.00
2016IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5307$2,250,000.00$1,800,000.00$0.00$450,000.00
TOTAL  $2,562,500.00$2,050,000.00$0.00$512,500.00

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Project Documents and Links

Project Notes

NotePosted On
1/2/13 - Demand Study: Identify demand on corridors - Q1, Q2 2014. Site Proposals: Recommendations on sites, preliminary budgets, project design - Q4 2014, Q1 2015. Final design and project execution: Lease alternatives executed. marketing and managing of leased locations. Final design, final budgets for construction of future sites - Q4 2015. Construction of Site 1: Facility constructed and opened for public use - Fiscal 2016. Construction of Site 2: Facility constructed and opened for public use - Fiscal 2017.1/02/2013

Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2015-023This amendment shifts $150,000 (federal) in FY14 FTA 5307 funds to a new project for Williamson County/TMA Group (TIP # 2015-65-075).3/18/2015  

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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