TIP Project #2014-86-6666: MPO Active Transportation Program

4-years of program funds for regional bicycle and pedestrian planning and coordination activities, AND active transportation projects to be awarded through competitive call-for-projects within 6-months of TIP adoption. Projects must advance regional initiatives to improve the availability, safety, and convenience of active forms of transportation. Funding could be used to implement a stand-alone project or supplement an existing project to ensure the inclusion of non-motorized modes (e.g., adding sidewalks to a road widening project).

MPO   M Multi-Modal Upgrades
Multi-County   1086-601
MPO Active Transportation Program  
Regionwide (Nashville-Davidson UZA)  
0.00 miles   $3,100,172.24
Exempt   $3,100,172.24

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONM-STP$625,305.00$500,244.00$0.00$125,061.00
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-ALT$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-STP$827,323.49$661,858.79$0.00$165,464.70
2015PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-ALT$126,980.00$101,584.00$0.00$25,396.00
2016PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-ALT$37,901.25$30,321.00$0.00$7,580.25
2017PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-ALT$1,232,662.50$986,130.00$0.00$246,532.50
TOTAL  $3,100,172.24$2,480,137.79$0.00$620,034.45

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Project Documents and Links

There are no documents or links for this TIP Project.

Project Notes

NotePosted On
U-ALT = Nashville-Davidson Urbanized Area Transportation Alternatives Program.9/03/2013
FY 2014 includes two years worth of funding.9/03/2013

Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2015-019This project was amended by resolution of the MPO Executive Board on 12/10/14. It shifts $4,280,043 (federal) in U-STP funds and $5,330,348 (federal) in U-ALT funds to various new projects awarded by the MPO's Active Transportation Program in 2014.12/10/2014  
2015-026This amendment shifts $17,380 (federal) in U-STP funds to a new project for TDOT (TIP# 2015-87-077).3/18/2015  

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2014-008Moved $200,000.00 (federal) and $50,000 (local) from existing 2014 U-STP line with "PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTION" type of work into a new 2014 U-STP line with an "IMPLEMENTATION" type of work. Set-aside funds are to be used for the hiring of the Metro Nashville Active Mobility Planner.3/14/2014
2016-035This project is being adjusted to decrease projected FY17 U-ALT funding by $51,617 (federal) in order to reflect actual FY17 apportionment.8/15/2016

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