TIP Project #2013-77-218: SR-171 (Mt. Juliet Road) Traffic Adaptive Signal Control System Corridor Optimization Project

Implementation of a fully functioning, reliable adaptive signal control system through the installation of a master signal controller, wireless communication devices, and radar detection for both vehicular and bicycle (self-propelled) traffic.

Mt. Juliet   M ITS
Wilson County   1087-701
Various intersections along SR-171/ Mt. Juliet Rd  
1.10 miles   $893,000.00
Exempt   $893,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2016CONSTRUCTION, IMPLEMENTATIONU-STP$825,000.00$660,000.00$0.00$165,000.00
TOTAL  $893,000.00$660,000.00$0.00$233,000.00

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Project Documents and Links

There are no documents or links for this TIP Project.

Project Notes

NotePosted On
Funding-eligible activities for FY15 include construction-type activities, such as the installation of the master signal controller, and implementation-type activities that are necessary to complete the project.7/08/2015

Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2016-014This amendment adds $192,000 (federal) to this project from a bucket of funding identified in TIP# 2014-89-9999 for ITS projects and projects that improve the operations of the regional system without adding capacity. The City of Mt. Juliet has been pursuing an adaptive signal system. Upon bidding the construction portion of the project, the City found that previous estimates were insufficient and is revising project cost utilizing this available funding based on updated bids.6/15/2016  

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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