TIP Project #2014-36-042: Springfield Greenway - Phase 3

Construction of a multi-modal path connecting existing facilities at 9th Avenue to Central Avenue in the CBD. Project also includes ADA upgrades, RR upgrades, landscaping, curb and gutter, striping, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, pedestrian lighting, pedestrian amenities, signage, and utility relocation.

Springfield   M Greenway
Robertson County   1086-602
Greenway   119978.00
9th Avenue to Central Avenue  
0.76 miles   $1,754,100.00
Exempt   $1,754,100.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHPP (TN132)$224,975.00$179,980.00$0.00$44,995.00
2015PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHPP (TN031)$174,936.00$139,949.00$0.00$34,987.00
2015PE-D, ROW, CONSTRUCTION, PE-NL-STP$250,510.00$200,408.00$0.00$50,102.00
TOTAL  $1,754,100.00$1,403,280.00$0.00$350,820.00

Project Image Gallery

Springfield Greenway

Project Documents and Links

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Project Notes

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2014-027This amendment makes several updates to the existing project in the TIP. The project title is being altered to better identify the project and the project description has also been updated accordingly. Funds on the previous TIP page were incorrectly identified as ENH funds. They have been corrected to HPP funds and new HPP and TAP funds awarded to the project have been added as shown.9/17/2014  

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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