TIP Project #2015-66-071: Nolensville Small Town Connections

The creation of a trail head/parking lot located on Nolensville Road (SR- 31A) in the Nolensville Historic District with a pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek connecting to Nolensville Park and a 10 foot wide, 4300 linear feet asphalt trail connecting Nolensville Elementary School to the east, Town Center to the north, and Nolensville Park to the south.

Nolensville   M Multi-Modal Upgrades
Williamson County   Consistent
0.00 miles   $772,561.00
Exempt   $772,561.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2016ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-ALT$455,561.00$364,449.00$0.00$91,112.00
TOTAL  $772,561.00$618,049.00$0.00$154,512.00

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2015-015This project was amended into the FY 2014-17 TIP by resolution of the MPO Executive Board on 12/10/14. It is added to the TIP with $413,600 (federal) in U-ALT funds awarded to the project through the MPO's Active Transportation Program grants in 2014.12/10/2014  

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2016-029This project is being adjusted to add $204,449 (federal) in U-ALT funds shifted from TIP# 2015-66-066 for increased ROW and CONST costs.8/15/2016

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