TIP Project #2013-85-207: Music City Star Passing Siding

This project includes matching track with curb length, thus allowing the switches to be placed on the tangent at each end of the curve. This allows the siding to be situated closer to the station, which is lengthening the amount of track and placing the switches as needed. Passing siding will improve operational efficiency.

RTA   M Transit Capital
Multi-County   Consistent
Music City Star commuter train route  
Music City Star commuter train route  
0.00 miles   $1,055,000.00
Exempt   $1,055,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2015IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5307$750,000.00$600,000.00$75,000.00$75,000.00
2016IMPLEMENTATIONFTA 5307$305,000.00$244,000.00$30,500.00$30,500.00
TOTAL  $1,055,000.00$844,000.00$105,500.00$105,500.00

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2015-035This project is amended into the TIP with $844,000 (federal) in previously unobligated FTA 5307 funds. It was included in the FYs 2011-2015 TIP, but was not carried forward. Older funds have been confirmed to be available.6/17/2015  

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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