TIP Project #2016-212-224: Main Street (SR-6/US-31N) and Donald F. Ephlin Parkway Signage & Landscaping

This project will install signage and landscaping at the intersection of Main Street (SR-6/US-31N) and Donald F. Ephlin Parkway.

Columbia   M Streetscaping
Maury County   Consistent
Main Street (SR-6/US-31N) at Donald F. Ephlin Parkway  
Main Street (SR-6/US-31N) at Donald F. Ephlin Parkway  
0.00 miles   $129,116.00
Exempt   $129,116.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2016CONSTRUCTIONENH (Roadscapes)$104,616.00$83,693.00$0.00$20,923.00
TOTAL  $129,116.00$83,693.00$0.00$45,423.00

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2016-002This project is amended into the TIP with $73,200 (federal) in Roadscapes funding. Columbia was awarded funding for this project several years ago through the now defunct TDOT Roadscapes program, which was a funding set-aside out of statewide Enhancement funds. The project is ready for construction. Due to the fact that it is not a capacity-adding project and funding was awarded directly by TDOT, the MPO feels the project may be added to the TIP so that the project can proceed.12/09/2015  

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2016-034This project is being adjusted to add $24,500 in committed local funds for construction in FY16.8/15/2016
2016-038This project is being adjusted to add $10,493 (federal) in ENH (Roadscapes) funds allocated to the City of Columbia in FY16 and to move $24,500 in LOCAL funds to a separate FY16 line.8/31/2016

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