TIP Project #2016-52-232: SR-76 Widening (Phase 1) from Charles Drive to Industrial Drive

This project includes widening and safety improvements along SR-76 from Charles Drive to west of Industrial Drive in Robertson County. This project will include the improvements determined by TDOT’s recent RSAR Team that recommended two (2) eastbound travel lanes and two (2) westbound travel lanes along SR-76. This concept maintains the existing westbound edge line of the roadway within the interchange area.

White House   M Road Widening
Robertson County   2040-1239
Charles Dr to Industrial Dr  
0.51 miles   $1,654,290.00
Exempt   $149,160.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2016PE-D, PE-NLOCAL$149,160.00$0.00$0.00$149,160.00
TOTAL  $149,160.00$0.00$0.00$149,160.00

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Project Notes

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2016-022This amendment adds the project to the TIP with $149,000 in local funds for PE in FY16. Future project funding will be committed by TDOT at a later date.9/21/2016  

List of Administrative Modifications

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