07/28/16 - note from Mike Harris (Brentwood): Appraisals and ROW acquisition started in the first quarter of 2014 and will continue through mid-2016. | 8/10/2016 |
12/17/12 - The Franklin Road from Concord Road to south of Moore’s Lane improvement project provides three main benefits. First, it will serve to relieve traffic congestion along the corridor. Secondly, it will address both the horizontal and vertical safety concerns associated with the existing conditions. Finally, it will provide an alternative means of public transportation with the addition of designed multi-use trail. 2011 TDOT traffic count data shows an ADT of 17,223 along Franklin Road in this area. The proposed roadway improvements will consist of 5 lanes (4 thru lanes and a center turn lane), curb and gutter, a 10'-0" multi use (bike/walk) path on the east side of the road separated from the roadway by a 5 foot wide grass strip. The City has a project development agreement with TDOT that calls for Brentwood to pay for engineering design and ROW acquisition from properties within Brentwood. There is small portion of ROW required within the City of Franklin and Franklin has agreed to acquire this ROW at its cost. TDOT has agreed to fund construction of the road improvements. Engineering design is nearly complete and TDOT field review of ROW plans was completed in October. Appraisals and ROW acquisition are expected to start in the first quarter of 2013 and continue through early 2014. TIP funding for ROW acquisition in the amount of $1,000,000 is being requested in FY 2014. The total ROW acquisition cost for properties in Brentwood is expected to be at least $4,000,000 with the City providing all funding in excess of the $1,000,000 in requested U-STP funds.
| 12/17/2012 |