TIP Project #2017-89-008: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grouping

Any strategy, activity or project on a public road that is consistent with the data- driven State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and corrects or improves a hazardous road location or feature or addresses a highway safety problem, including workforce development, training and education activities. Eligibility of specific projects, strategies, and activities is generally based on: Consistency with SHSP; Crash experience, crash potential, or other data- supported means; Compliance with the requirements of Title 23 of the USC; State’s strategic or performance-based safety goals to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. Please refer to Appendix G of the TIP document for more information about and work allowable from this grouping.

M Safety Regional Plan ID: 1689-115
Multi-County Total Cost: $7,041,873.00
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grouping Total Programmed: $7,041,872.00
Regionwide - Nashville Area MPO Federal Share: $6,786,872.00
0.00 miles Federal Obligation*:
Exempt Unobligated Balance: $6,786,872.00
* Obligations during current TIP period only.

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2017PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$1,000,000.00$1,000,000.00$0.00$0.00
2017PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (RPHSIP)$1,275,000.00$1,020,000.00$255,000.00$0.00
2018PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$455,624.00$455,624.00$0.00$0.00
2019PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$3,855,624.00$3,855,624.00$0.00$0.00
2020PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$455,624.00$455,624.00$0.00$0.00
TOTAL  $7,041,872.00$6,786,872.00$255,000.00$0.00

Construction Reserve Funds

There is no reserve funding information for this TIP Project.

Obligated Funds

There is no obligated funding information for this TIP Project.

Project Images and Videos

MPO Area

Project Notes

NotePosted On
STIP# 190706/11/2016

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2017-006This project has been adjusted to make PHSIP funds 100% federal for FYs 2017-2020.2/02/2017
2017-018This project has been adjusted to add $1,020,000 (federal) in RPHSIP funds in FY 2017.3/22/2017
2017-021This project has been adjusted to add $544,376 (federal) in PHSIP funds in FY 2017.4/11/2017
2019-034This project has been adjusted to add $2,000,000 (federal) HSIP in FY 2019.3/12/2019
2019-041This project has been adjusted to add $1,400,000 (federal) HSIP funds in FY 2019.4/02/2019

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