TIP Project #2011-17-019: Caldwell Drive/Indian Hills Pedestrian Control

Add signalization at the intersection of Caldwell Drive and Indian Hills to provide safe crossing for pedestrian access to Moss-Wright Park.

Goodlettsville   M ITS
Sumner County   1057-248
Caldwell Drive/Indian Hills Pedestrian Control  
Intersection of Caldwell Drive and Indian Hills  
0.00 miles   $70,000.00
Exempt   $70,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $70,000.00$70,000.00$0.00$0.00

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List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2011-039*This modification updates the FY and amounts for the PE NEPA, PE Final Design and Construction phases. The total project cost remained the same.12/28/2011
2013-029Project modified to shift funds between phases to reflect update cost estimates including CEI costs. The total project cost remains the same. 5/31/2013

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