TIP Project #2011-42-061: Weakley Lane

Intersection improvements including modification of the signalization and the addition of turn lanes.

Smyrna   M Intersection
Rutherford County   1042-167
Weakley Lane  
Weakley Lane @ Swan Drive  
0.00 miles   $500,000.00
Non-Exempt   $500,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $500,000.00$400,000.00$0.00$100,000.00

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Project Documents and Links

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Project Notes

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Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2012-011The amendment reduces the total project cost from $5.8 million to $500,000. Further review of the congestion along this route led to a modification of the scope. Minor improvements including adding a left turn lane into the Rutherford County Collection Center have seen significant improvements in traffic flow, and it is expected that these improvements will be adequate to address congestion on this route.12/14/20111/18/20121/23/2012

List of Administrative Modifications

There are no administrative modifications for this TIP Project.

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