TIP Project #2012-15-184: East-West Connector

Finalize details for the Locally Preferred Alternative, performing preliminary engineering and NEPA as well as completing any planning analysis required to prepare the project for submission into the federal Small Starts program.

Nashville MTA   M Transit Capital
Davidson County   1215-001
West Ene Avenue from White Bridge Rd to Five Points  
8.00 miles   $2,500,000.00
Exempt   $2,500,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2012PE-D, PE-NFTA 5307$300,000.00$240,000.00$30,000.00$30,000.00
2012PE-D, PE-NLOCAL$2,200,000.00$0.00$0.00$2,200,000.00
TOTAL  $2,500,000.00$240,000.00$30,000.00$2,230,000.00

Project Image Gallery

East-West Connector

East-West Connector Bus Rapid Transit Concept

East-West Connector Conceptual Video

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