TIP Project #2004-051: SR-247 (Duplex Road) Widening

Widen Duplex Road from 2 to 3 lanes, improve vertical and horizontal alignment, add curb and gutter, add sidewalk on south side of project and multi-use path on north side of project, add signals at 4 currently unsignalized intersections.

TDOT   M Road Widening
Williamson County   1199-1322
SR-247 (Duplex Road)   103169.00
SR-6/U.S. 31 to .1 mile west of I-65.  
3.10 miles   $22,251,595.00
Non-Exempt   $22,251,595.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $22,251,595.00$15,001,276.00$3,464,220.00$3,786,099.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
12/18/12 - This project has been progressing at a rapid pace over the past two years. To date, the City has completed a Categorical Exclusion NEPA document, Preliminary Engineering Plans, and Draft Right of Way Plans. The City anticipates Right of Way Plans approval in early 2013 and with notice to proceed from TDOT, will move into the Right of Way acquisition phase and construction plans development. Right of Way acquisition is anticipated to be complete in 2014. Construction is anticipated to begin in mid 2014.12/18/2012

Project Amendments

Amendment #ActionMPO ApprovalTDOT ApprovalUS DOT Approval
2016-019This amendment adds $13,856,880 (federal) in State STP funds to the project in FY 2017 for construction.6/15/2016  

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2016-004This project has been adjusted to add $389,799 in federal local STP dollars that were allocated to the City during FY15. The City has chosen at this time to expend these funds on this project.12/01/2015
2016-040This project is being adjusted to add $409,710 (federal) in L-STP funds to the ROW phase of the project in FY16. This funding was allocated to the City of Spring Hill for FY16 by TDOT's Small Cities Allocation Program.9/30/2016

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