TIP Project #2008-71-038: Beckwith Road/Eastern Connector

Link Beckwith interchange on I-40 to US-70 via a new/widened 4 lane, median-divided roadway with 5 lanes in some areas and striped bike lanes.

Mt. Juliet   M New Road
Wilson County   1072-132
Beckwith Road/Eastern Connector   115745.00
From I-40 to US-70/SR-24  
5.00 miles   $25,450,000.00
Non-Exempt   $18,750,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2015PE-D, CONSTRUCTIONU-STP$15,000,000.00$12,000,000.00$0.00$3,000,000.00
TOTAL  $18,750,000.00$15,000,000.00$0.00$3,750,000.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
1/4/13 - This project has been designed and is now at the obtaining of Right-of-Ways. The next phase will be to update any plans that have been previously approved after ROW negotiations are completed. We would anticipate this happening by September 2013. After all drawings are completed and approved by TDOT, and the Federal Highway Administration, we would then go to bid on this project. We anticipate that by Spring of 2014, that the bid would be awarded and construction began by Summer of that same year. Our goal would be that construction would be completed no later than 12 to 18 months after the contractor is giving the notice to proceed.1/04/2013

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2015-008This project is being adjusted to correct the description of the project's scope. The description is being reverted back to the original description from the MPO's FY 2008-2011 TIP. It was changed at the adoption of the FY 2011-2015 TIP due to an error on the project's application submitted for the MPO's 2035 Regional Transportation Plan. NEPA documentation for the project was performed previously with the correct project scope reflected by this adjustment.2/11/2015

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