TIP Project #2014-111-026: Complete Streets Implementation on BRT Lite Corridors - Gallatin Pike

Implementation of Complete Streets elements along the Gallatin Pike BRT lite corridor in Nashville. Work elements may include a multi-use path, strategic pedestrian connections, improved signalized intersections with crosswalks and pedestrian countdown timers, reconfigured or repositioned transit stations, enhanced transit station amenities, bike lockers and benches. Project must be designed in coordination with a steering committee comprised, at a minimum, of represenatives from Metro Planning, Nashville MTA, and the MPO.

Metro Nashville   M Multi-Modal Upgrades
Davidson County   Consistent
Alta Loma Road to Liberty Lane  
0.00 miles   $5,383,360.00
Exempt   $4,652,800.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2017ROW, CONSTRUCTIONU-STP$3,846,800.00$3,077,440.00$0.00$769,360.00
TOTAL  $4,652,800.00$3,722,240.00$0.00$930,560.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
12/18/12 - Metro project in coordination with MTA7/12/2013

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2017-002This project was adjusted to to better define phases of work and funding for each. Additionally, local matching funds have been corrected to display a proper 20% local match for each phase. There is no change in the federal share of the project cost at this time.10/26/2016

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