TIP Project #2011-16-166: Warner Parks Trail Linkage Improvements

Construction of a 10’ wide asphalt trail from Edwin Warner Park Nature Center (southern side of Highway 100) and proceeding in a northerly direction via an at grade pedestrian crossing at the Highway 100 and Old Hickory Blvd intersection and then beneath the CSX Railway to access the Hill Property parkland. Project includes a pedestrian tunnel, retaining wall, ADA accessibility, landscaping and pedestrian amenities.

Metro Nashville   M Greenway
Davidson County   1086-602
Warner Parks  
2.20 miles   $1,686,429.00
Exempt   $1,591,429.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $1,591,429.00$1,273,143.00$0.00$318,286.00

Project Image Gallery

Warner Parks Trail Linkage Improvements

Warner Parks Trail Linkage Transportation Enhancement Grant Application

Project Notes

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Project Amendments

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List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2013-048Project adjusted to modify the description. The pedestrian tunnel under Hwy 100 will now be an at grade crossing at the intersection with Old Hickory Boulevard. The amounts programmed remain unchanged.12/20/2013

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