TIP Project #2012-56-171: Sanders Ferry/ Drakes Creek Bike Trail

Construct 8-ft wide bike/ped trail and boardwalk along Sanders Ferry Rd along the water’s edge of Drakes Creek/Old Hickory Lake.

Hendersonville   M Greenway
Sumner County   Consistent
Sanders Ferry/ Drakes Creek   117016.00
From Main Street along Sanders Ferry Rd and Drakes Creek/Old Hickory Lake to Sanders Ferry Park  
1.52 miles   $2,438,000.00
Exempt   $2,318,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $2,318,000.00$1,854,400.00$0.00$463,600.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
12/17/12 - Schedule: Oct, 2013 - Receive Notice To Proceed from TDOT to acquire ROW. Nov, 2013-Mar, 2014 - Acquire ROW and easements; adjust utilities if needed. Apr, 2014 - Receive Notice To Proceed from TDOT to advertise for construction. May, 2014 - Award contract for construction. May, 2014-Dec 2014 - Complete construction and closeout. The project will be managed by the City’s Public Works Department and Engineering Consultant. All contracts (engineering, ROW acquisition and construction) will include schedules with milestones and dates. One of the main criteria in choosing the engineering consultant will be performance and proven knowledge of TDOT requirements and track record in working with TDOT. The City has successfully managed the following projects: 1. Indian Lake Boulevard at 386 Bridge widening, ramps, signals. 2. New Shackle Island Road 3. Traffic Signal Upgrade 4. ARRA Projects While the City experienced some difficulty in getting through the TDOT process, once a Notice To Proceed with construction was received, the projects were completed on time and within budget.12/17/2012

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2016-008This project was adjusted to add $760,000 (federal) in FY16 U-STP funds from TIP# 2002-028 for PE-N and CONST. Additionally, $40,000 (federal) in FY14 CMAQ funds originally to be used for ROW were shifted to FY16 PE-D and CONST.12/17/2015

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