TIP Project #2012-44-172: Sam Ridley Pkwy & Stonecrest Pkwy Intersection Improvements

Widen Stonecrest Parkway to add a dedicated straight through lane as well as modifications to the existing signalization and potential modifications to private commercial access points to Stonecrest Parkway.

Smyrna   M Intersection
Rutherford County   1144-003
Sam Ridley Pkwy (SR-266) @ Stonecrest Pkwy  
0.00 miles   $400,000.00
Non-Exempt   $360,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $360,000.00$288,000.00$0.00$72,000.00

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Project Notes

NotePosted On
12/18/12 - It is anticipated that the engineering for this proposal will be completed in FY 2013. Funding for this is in the FY 11-15 TIP. Implementation would begin within 90 days of completion of the engineering. Right-of-way would be purchased first, with construction to begin soon after completion of the right-of-way purchase. The project will be managed by Town staff, including the Town Planner, Director of Public Works, and Engineer-of-Record. The Town of Smyrna has managed multiple road improvement projects that included intersection improvements, include 3 phases of Rock Springs Road, two phases of Enon Springs Road, and Old Nashville Highway. 12/18/2012

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2015-009This project is being adjusted to add $8,000 (federal) in M-STP funds for PE-D. Funding for PE-D was allocated to this project in the FY 2011-2015 TIP, however that funding was never obligated. Jurisdictions in the Murfreesboro UZA agreed to replace the funding that was left behind from the current balance of unprogrammed M-STP funds.2/11/2015
2016-019This project is being adjusted to reallocate $32,000 (federal) from the ROW phase to the PE-D phase of project work in order to cover higher than anticipated PE-D expenses.3/12/2016

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