TIP Project #2008-89-087: Transportation Enhancement Program (Grouping)

Offer funding opportunities to help expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through activities related to surface transportation, like roadscape awards including the Eastern Flank Battlefield Access Improvement project.

MPO   M Community Asset
Multi-County   1086-602
Transportation Enhancement Program (Project Grouping)  
0.00 miles   $10,000,000.00
Exempt   $4,232,994.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2011PE-D, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONENH-B$483,651.00$386,921.00$0.00$96,730.00
2012PE-D, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONENH-B$625,000.00$500,000.00$0.00$125,000.00
2013PE-D, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONENH-B$624,343.00$499,474.00$0.00$124,869.00
2014PE-D, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONENH-B$2,500,000.00$2,000,000.00$0.00$500,000.00
TOTAL  $4,232,994.00$3,386,395.00$0.00$846,599.00

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Project Documents and Links

There are no documents or links for this TIP Project.

Project Notes

NotePosted On
Funds are awarded through a competitive process administered by TDOT annually.10/03/2012
Individual ENH projects have been left in the TIP for tracking purposes. Funds associated with the PROJECT GROUPING have been labeled ENH-B to differentiate them.11/23/2011

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2011-004Transfer $424,920 in total Enhancement funds to TIP #2008-56-082 - Lower Station Camp Creek Road Greenway4/27/2011
2012-032The modification shifts $500,000 (federal share) from FY 2013 to FY 2012 associated with the Eastern Flank Battlefield Access Improvement project in Franklin, TN. The total project cost remains the same9/20/2012

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