TIP Project #2008-84-013: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grouping

See attachment 1 for a more comprehensive list of activities included but not limited for eligibility.

TDOT   M Safety
Multi-County   1089-902
Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Grouping   112112.00
Regionwide - Nashville Area MPO  
0.00 miles   $31,922,000.00
Exempt   $31,922,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP$10,000,000.00$9,000,000.00$1,000,000.00$0.00
2014PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$2,500,000.00$2,500,000.00$0.00$0.00
2015PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP$7,000,000.00$6,300,000.00$700,000.00$0.00
2015PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$500,000.00$500,000.00$0.00$0.00
2016PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP$7,000,000.00$6,300,000.00$700,000.00$0.00
2016PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (PHSIP)$1,000,000.00$1,000,000.00$0.00$0.00
2016PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (ACHSIP)$1,032,000.00$0.00$1,032,000.00$0.00
2016PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP (ACPHSIP)$890,000.00$0.00$890,000.00$0.00
2017PE, ROW, CONSTRUCTIONHSIP$2,000,000.00$1,800,000.00$200,000.00$0.00
TOTAL  $31,922,000.00$27,400,000.00$4,522,000.00$0.00

Project Image Gallery

Project Notes

There are no notes for this TIP Project.

Project Amendments

There are no amendments for this TIP Project.

List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2014-007This project is being adjusted to add $ 3,150,000 (federal share) HSIP funds in FY 2014.2/28/2014
2014-010This project is being adjusted to add $1,500,000 (federal share) in HSIP funds in FY 2014. The type of work for all fiscal years was changed to "PE, ROW, CONST." The adjustment also includes an updated groupings crosswalk outlining those projects that might be authorized with a higher federal share.4/24/2014
2014-014This project is being adjusted to include $700,000 (federal) of PHSIP funds in FY 20145/23/2014
2015-029This adjustment adds $330,000 (federal) in HSIP (PHSIP) funds to the project in FY15. The adjustment was submitted directly to FHWA by TDOT.7/23/2015
2016-010This project is being adjusted to add $900,000 (federal) in HSIP funds and $100,000 (federal) in PHSIP funds in FY16. The adjustment was requested directly to FHWA by TDOT.1/27/2016
2016-013This project is being adjusted to add $500,000 (federal) in PHSIP funds in FY16. The adjustment was requested directly to FHWA by TDOT.2/28/2016
2016-015This project is being adjusted to add $3,600,000 (federal) in HSIP funds and $400,000 (federal) in PHSIP funds in FY16. The adjustment was requested directly to FHWA by TDOT.3/01/2016
2016-028This project was adjusted to add $1,032,000 (State) to FY16 ACHSIP funds and $890,000 (State) to FY16 ACPHSIP funds.5/27/2016

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