TIP Project #2008-84-012: Spot Safety Improvement Program

Spot Safety Improvements such as signalization, intersection modification, sight distance modification, adding turn lanes, school flashing signals, flashing beacons, acquisition of land, RR grade crossing improvements, etc.

TDOT   M Safety
Multi-County   1089-902
Spot Safety Improvement Program  
Regionwide - Nashville Area MPO  
0.00 miles   $1,580,000.00
Exempt   $1,580,000.00

Programmed Funds

Fiscal YearPhaseFunding SourceTotal FundsFederal FundsState FundsLocal Funds
TOTAL  $1,580,000.00$1,264,000.00$316,000.00$0.00

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Project Documents and Links

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Project Notes

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Project Amendments

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List of Administrative Modifications

Adjustment #ActionMPO Approval
2011-007Project adjusted to add $104,000 (federal) to FY 2011.4/29/2011
2011-022Project adjusted to add $320,000 (federal) in FY 20117/26/2011
2012-001The project was modified to add $120,000 (federal) to FY 2012.1/06/2012
2012-018Project modified to increase Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for construction in FY 2012 by $240,000 (federal share).6/25/2012
2012-024Project modified to increase State Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for CONST in FY 2012 by $160,000 (federal share).7/16/2012

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